
Literally, this word is just a mess of possible translations. Strauβ(en): “ostrich” or “bouquet of flowers”. Wirtschaft(en): most commonly used as “economy” but also occasionally referring to a “kitchen that cooks local grub”. Best to just leave it at one of those words “that has no translation”.

Basically, Strauβenwirtschaften are what I like to call “Germany’s secret restaurant society”. Outside of a website and a small pamphlet, which you can only buy at certain bookstores when it is available, there is no marketing. Word of mouth is the only way to go. Most don’t even have signs, just brooms hanging outside, subtly inviting informed souls inside for a respite.

All the food and wine is local, sometimes even coming from the property itself. The best Strauβenwirtschaften are only open for very limited time frames (aka, Spargel season and Advent, the best times of year in Germany!) based on the growing season of the food they are serving. No private tables here! Snuggle up to your neighbor and get to chattin’! Did I mention the amazing food?!

This is why I love living in small-town Germany!