die Halskette

When my mother turned 30, she was given a surprise party in my grandmother’s backyard. Shortly after the party she took a trip to Italy and visited Venice. Whilst there, she purchased a necklace in Piazza San Marco for my grandmother that reminded her of my grandmother’s birth sign, Gemini.

Before my grandmother died, she gave the necklace back to my mom. My mom has been wearing it for over 30 years, enjoying the memories that it invoked.

When I turned 30, my family threw me a wonderful surprise party on Chincoteague Island. My mother’s gift was the last to be opened. Inside the small box was the necklace and a letter.

A portion of the letter reads: “It seems to be the perfect time for me to re-gift the necklace. I feel I have merely been the necklace’s caretaker, awaiting the appropriate and meaningful hour to pass it to someone as special as her granddaughter, born on her day, now turning the same age as myself when I purchased it for her.”


I never met my grandmother, but I am proud to share a birthday, and the dynamic personality quirks of a Gemini, with her. Each year, on our birthday, I know that my mother is happy to wish me a year full of joy and adventure, but is also missing her own mother and the ability to wish her a wonderful year.

Before we left Chincoteague last year, Joe and I vowed to make it to Venice before my next birthday. We sat on the Piazza at a little table, listened to the music, enjoyed a drink and the beautiful view. Just as my mother had. Each day, I donned the necklace and wore it through the streets of Venice “with aplomb”, just as my mother taught me to.