Our Journey in Selfies

Love it or hate it, we are in era of the “selfie”. Let’s face it, it’s also pretty hard to pass a camera from horse to horse and ask someone to take your picture! So, here is our journey…in selfies!

Day 1 Selfie – Tensions are running high, everyone is a little nervous aboard, it’s raining, and I have a bad mount.

Day 1 Selfie – Tensions are running high, everyone is a little nervous aboard, it’s raining, and I have a bad mount.

Day 2 Selfie – New day, new horse, sunshine, first day jitters are over. Things are looking up!

Day 2 Selfie – New day, new horse, sunshine, first day jitters are over. Things are looking up!

Beach Ride Selfie (at a canter, if I may add).

Beach Ride Selfie (at a canter, if I may add).

Attempt to make the selfie less selfish. There are now three.

Attempt to make the selfie less selfish. There are now three.

Attempt to include my favorite people in the selfie – Mom & Patti riding through the rice fields!

Attempt to include my favorite people in the selfie – Mom & Patti riding through the rice fields!

Attempt to get all five of us in the selfie! Nacho is missing, but we actually had no idea where he was.

Attempt to get all five of us in the selfie! Nacho is missing, but we actually had no idea where he was.

He didn’t love me doing this, but I didn’t care.

He didn’t love me doing this, but I didn’t care.

Mom and I at the top of the mountain.

Mom and I at the top of the mountain.

Me, Picasso, Mom, Ben, Patti, and Tesoro climbing down the mountain.

Me, Picasso, Mom, Ben, Patti, and Tesoro climbing down the mountain.

Patti actually took her first selfies on this trip! Here she is refining her skills.

Patti actually took her first selfies on this trip! Here she is refining her skills.

Well done! Photo credit: Patti's Selfie Service

Well done! Photo credit: Patti’s Selfie Service

There you have it! I feel like I should contact my helmet cover company and ask for a product placement endorsement!