(insert Jimmy Fallon as SNL’s Joey Mack! Click here if you have NO IDEA what I’m talking about.)
Say what you want about Lufthansa, but we had a great 11.5hr flight from Germany to San Francisco! I think it was the bottomless Baileys, but what do I know? On the other hand, saying goodbye to Joe’s flowing locks before departure wasn’t quite as easy. I was smiling for this farewell pic, but inside my heart was crying.
Our sweet, sweet Liv was such a champ. She is truly a traveling Daddy’s girl. Now, crossing nine time zones was a different story. I have always thought that “jet lag” was a farce. Until now. Maybe it was because I found my first gray hair this month, or because I was exhausted from three years of non-stop “going”, or maybe it was because I drank too much coffee and Baileys at high altitude, but I have never struggled so hard to get my circadian rhythms back to normal.
The only person that struggled more than me was Joe. I knew we were in trouble when I smelled coffee at 3:30am accompanied by the productive sounds of stapling. Yes, stapling. When you can’t sleep and your papers are a mess…why not staple them?
It has been a crazy experience returning to a place we once knew. If you don’t think that the Earth is in crisis, spend a day driving from San Francisco to Los Angeles. There is no one doing Ice Bucket Challenges here!
For every one thing that has been frustrating or saddening about realizing how much a city, state, or country has negatively changed while we were away, there was a refreshing surprise that reminded us how much we love California, being in the military, and just enjoying the good ol’ US of A.
For example, I made an online reservation for Liv to return to the kennel we used during our first stint in CA. This is the response I received:
“Hi Trysta, Yay!!! Liv is coming back 🙂 I have missed her adorable face… I’m so excited to see her next week on the 14th. I saw her name and your last name and couldn’t believe it! Its been a long time since she has boarded with us.”
When I arrived, she even remembered our usual “order” of playtime, bath, and military discount. To top it off…Liv’s picture still hangs on the bulletin board! From SIX years ago! I mean, Liv is the cutest thing to happen to four-legged animals, but I never expected her to receive a love note and still be on the Wall of Fame at the kennel.
People keep asking me if I miss Germany. My response: not yet. Ironically, that is the same answer I used 3.5yrs ago when people asked me if I spoke German. Someday, I will. Probably when Joe is two months into a five month deployment and all I really want to do is sit at Feierling with him in the middle of the afternoon and enjoy an Inselhopf and plate of Obazda.
For now, I love being here. For now, our three years in Europe has gifted me with rose-colored glasses, through which my homeland looks wonderful!